Kathleen’s Biography

Kathleen Sharp is a bestselling author and award-winning journalist whose books have been translated to film. Her Amazon top seller, Blood Medicine: The Man Who Blew the Whistle on One of the Deadliest Prescription Drugs Ever (Dutton/Plume) is being developed as a feature film by New Regency Productions.

Kathleen’s biography of a legendary power couple, Mr. and Mr. Hollywood: Edie and Lew Wasserman and their Entertainment Empire (Carroll & Graf), has just been reissued by AudioGo (formerly BBC Audio). She helped turn that seminal biography into the acclaimed film documentary The Last Mogul, released theatrically by ThinkFilm (2005) and broadcast on Bravo, Showtime and other cable channels.

Kathleen’s other books include In Good Faith (St. Martin’s Press), a true story that was featured on 60 Minutes, and Stalking The Beast: A History of Hollywood Through The King Kong Movies, which began as a fun assignment for Playboy Magazine. She’s written essays and stories for The New York Times, Parade, Elle, Vanity FairFortune, and many other magazines and for several years covered central California for the Los Angeles Times.

A former correspondent for The Boston Globe, Kathleen has appeared on Book TV, ABC News, C-SPAN, and The Armstrong Williams Show among others. She’s appeared in and consulted on film projects for Turner Classic Movies, Bravo, and The Biography Channel. She’s produced segments for National Public Radio’s Morning Edition and All Things Considered, and has contributed to several book anthologies, one of which was nominated for a prestigious Edgar award.

A popular radio guest, Kathleen has appeared on dozens of national shows including the Leonard Lopate Show WNYC, The Jordon Rich Show of WBZ (Boston), CBS Radio, A Touch of Gray on WABC and KRLA, Background Briefing on KPFK, The Peter Werbe Show on WRIF (Detroit), and other NPR affiliate shows.

Kathleen is a dynamic speaker who’s addressed a variety of audiences, ranging from those at the JP Morgan Global Leaders Conference and the Museum of Television & Radio in New York City to the founders of the National Steinbeck Center and students at public high schools.

She’s won six awards from the Society of Professional Journalists/Sigma Delta Chi, including a first-place prize for investigative reporting. She’s been honored with an economic fellowship to study at the Graduate School of Business at the University of Washington, and a health-care fellowship from the University of Southern California’s Annenberg School for Communication. As an entrepreneur, she’s been named Young Businesswoman of the Year by the National Association of Business Women and a 2013 Woman of Achievement by the Association of Women in Communications.

To inquire about Kathleen speaking at your event, please contact Melissa Ingalsbe at Keynote Speakers, melissa@keynotespeakers.com